Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I was at the doctors office waiting for my son's orthopaedist to take the pins out of his elbow from a recent break and picked up a magazine that had suggestions for a peaceful routine at bedtime. The author suggested reading a favorite book or singing a favorite song etc. What I wanted to say is.....I read, sing, teach, correct, spend quality time with my children all day long. What they, and the whole family need is a bedtime routine that anyone can fulfill without much fuss. This would include you, your spouse, your sitter, mother, or any caregiver. This dragging bedtime on and on, making everyone crazy with "one more thing" is ridicilous.

At our house, after bathing, finishing any task that needs completion before bedtime, we say our prayers as a family, give everyone hugs and kisses, and tuck everyone in. Takes about 4 minutes from start to end. I can do it, my husband can do it, or we can do it together. Anyone can step in and in the end, all are happy and ready for sleep.

If parents are spending quality time during the day with their children, why do they find the need to jam in 20 stories, 10 songs etc to the end of a day? Keep it simple!